
Agendacamp was a multiyear, multi community initiative that endeavoured to engage communities across the province in open-space style roundtable discussion on the economic issues most  impacting their lives.  For TVO’s “The Agenda with Steve Paikin”, it was an attempt to …

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Photographers Without Borders: Workshop Leader

Photographers without Borders approached us to deliver simple communications workshops to their staff, but upon further discussion with their Executive Director, it was clear that what was required was more than simple tips and tricks on how to use email …

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TVO faced a challenge when it came to promoting their educational children’s media: they knew that kids were learning from their videos and games having participated in numerous studies with the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, but they didn’t …

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Loopy Logical: Learning Binary

Learning Binary is a simple math and patterning game for children ages 5-7.  By counting the number of objects on cards, children will start to develop a mental model for binary (or base 2) counting and how it relates to …

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